
SEO Tips for Creating a Lead-Generating Landing Page

lead generation landing pages for seo driving up sales

Let’s face it; it’s no secret that lead generation is essential to your business’s long-term success.

Unfortunately, gathering these valuable numbers is nearly impossible without a high-ranking landing page. However, with the right mix of SEO and social media, optimizing your landing pages can be simple and effective.

Ready to put your SEO marketing to the test? Follow along to discover how to create SEO-optimized landing pages to drive lead generation and increase your rank.

What are Landing Pages?

First things first, let’s get familiar with what a landing page is (and isn’t).

A landing page is a URL that potential customers will ‘land’ on when they decide to take you up on your offer. The most effective use of landing pages is actually highly integrated with SEO and social media.

Effective social media advertising would lead customers to a specific link on your website to receive an offer. The user would then leave their contact details so that you can guide them through the sales funnel. This method is far more reliable than hoping that they will purchase on their own.

Of course, because this page is a part of your website, it can rank on the SERPs just like any other URL. This leaves you with the distinct opportunity to leverage SEO marketing to boost your chances of gathering leads.

Successful lead generation landing pages are often described as simple, to-the-point, and customized to the exact right users. Of course, the key to acing a high-ranking landing page lies in SEO techniques.

Tailor Page Title

Your page title is the text that appears at the top of a user’s browser or on the browser tab if more than one window is open.

While this may seem irrelevant, this element is an essential SEO technique. This title will let search engines know what your content is about and where to index it.

A short, to-the-point title is the most effective search engine and leads. If your title is too long, it won’t display nicely on the browser and can end up misleading Google.

Be sure to use your most relevant keywords early on in the title and use verticle bars to separate where necessary to encourage simplicity. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should fill the title with keywords.

Your title should describe the content as clearly and briefly as possible and doesn’t always need to include your company name. Instead, save that space for those high-quality keywords.

Utilize Your Heading Tag

Just like a blog page, your landing page should strong and effective use of your H1 headers.

This should be similar to your page title, so you don’t confuse your readers or the search engine.

The purpose of this heading is to give an accurate representation of what the page is about. Give the readers enough information to stick around to find out more rather than hit that dreaded back button.

While keywords should be used, you won’t want to overstuff them as Google will catch onto this and penalize you for it.

To fill out the copy on your high-ranking landing page, support your H1 heading with subheadings, graphics, and bullet lists that keep the reader interested without eating up too much of their time. The faster you can get them to leave their details or claim the offer, the better.

Create a Clear Meta Description

If you’ve already been working on your SEO blogging, you know the importance of a high-quality meta description.

This element of your on-page SEO is your opportunity to feed clues to the search engine about your page’s content and encourage users to click on your result.

However, the difference between landing pages and informational blogs is the direct nature of the meta description. Instead of trying to pique their interest to read more, you want to tell readers exactly what they can receive if they open your URL.

Make it short, irresistible, and accurate. Poor representation can lead to a high bounce rate which ultimately hurts your rank.

Keep Forms Brief

If you use forms to optimize your landing pages for lead generation, keep these forms as brief and straightforward as possible.

As we mentioned above, a high bounce rate is detrimental to a high-ranking landing page. This is because many users bouncing away from your page indicate to Google that you aren’t a quality result for that search. Google will take this information and bump you down in an attempt to improve user experience.

While forms offer you a fantastic way to gather valuable information you’ll need to keep your lead in the sales funnel, requesting too much information can leave users backing out and raising your bounce rate.

Request as little as possible to fuel your process without scaring your customers away.

Build Your Linking Strategy

Last but certainly not least, you’ll want to create as many links to your page as possible.

These can be internal links from blog posts, other principal pages, or external websites such as social media.

Because Google relies on links to navigate content and evaluate the relevance, building up the number of links to your landing page with high-quality anchor text is a fantastic way to outsmart the system and boost your visibility.

You’ll have the chance to rank faster and higher for your top-priority keywords and let Google (and users) know you are the best result available online.

Marketing For Your SEO Optimized Landing Pages

Now that you know these top SEO tips to skyrocket your lead generation, you too can optimize your landing pages with ease. From capturing attention to outsmarting the system, we’re confident you’ll love the results of your SEO marketing.

Need some help with your SEO and social media lead generation? Get in touch with us today to discover how to streamline your digital marketing to rank higher, perform better, and rake in results.