
How Segmenting Email Subscribers Can Improve Marketing Results

emails sending from a phone all over the world segmented by geography

If you’ve never heard of email segmentation, it can make your marketing life significantly easier. This refers to the practice of dividing your audience into separate, smaller audiences. You do this by choosing certain sets of characteristics and dividing your audience according to them.

Although it may seem like more trouble than it’s worth, you’ll find that this helps boost your engagement because you can deliver highly personalized content.

Read on to learn about how segmenting your email subscribers can help improve your marketing effectiveness!

How to Start Segmenting Your Email Subscribers

There are multiple ways you can segment your audiences. The easiest way to begin is to ask yourself what your goals are for segmenting them.

This can be as simple as a greater percentage of open rates per month, or you may want a more engaged audience. You may even want to try and engage readers that don’t have as high an open rate as others.

Once you’ve identified your goals, here are a few common ways that audiences are segmented:

By Geography

This is one of the more straightforward ways to segment your audience. It can be beneficial if you need to give them targeted local information, such as news on the weather, sports, customs, events, and more.

This is also beneficial for service-based businesses that have multiple locations throughout the state or country.

By Signup Channel

You may have different customer personas depending on what signup channel they use. For instance, people who sign up through your e-commerce website will most likely be more interested in your latest products, deals, and discounts.

On the other hand, those who sign up through your blog may be other e-commerce businesses that are interested in the information and education you provide.

By Email Engagement

Dividing your audience can be a smart way to bolster already engaged, loyal customers and to help convince more passive readers to become more engaged.

You can do this by offering some incentives to less engaged readers. You can also provide your more engaged readers with more personalized content that benefits them in some way.

You can also use 2021 email marketing trends in order to create even more captivating emails for these readers.

By Survey Results

It can be hard to decide how to segment your audience if you don’t have enough relevant information. If this is the case, consider sending out a mass survey to your subscribers and segmenting them based on their answers.

For instance, you may want to create a survey based on how happy they are with your products or services. Based on your answers, you may segment your audience depending on their levels of satisfaction.

This can help retain less satisfied customers by creating more personalized emails that offer them discounts. Satisfied customers can become part of a rewards program that lets them know they’re valued as loyal customers.

By Prior Purchases

This is one of the most beneficial ways to segment your audience if you have an e-commerce business. The reason for this is because it can significantly drive revenue, as you can upset people based on what they bought previously.

You can also remind people of discounts and deals off categories of times that they’ve purchased before. For example, if you sell women’s bridal dresses, it makes sense to offer them shoes, purses, and other accessories that match.

Benefits of Email Subscriber Segmentation

Now that you know some of the ways you can divide your email subscribers into segments, it’s important to keep in mind that this extra work leads to numerous benefits. Here are just some of the benefits you’ll enjoy:

Optimize Your Emails

You’ll find that after you segment your audience, you’ll be working smarter, not harder. The reason for this is because you’ll have a greater knowledge of the kind of emails that that audience responds to. You’ll be able to craft more personalized content that they’re more likely to open and engage with.

Drive Revenue

You’ll also find that your smart email marketing choices can lead to a boost in revenue. This is because, with segmented audiences, you’ll find that there will be a higher engagement rate with your emails.

By following highly targeted calls-to-action during the mid-way point and at the end of each email, you can lead customers through sales funnels that are customized for them.

Lower Unsubscribe Rates

Unsubscribe rates can be hard to handle, especially when you work so hard to convince new clients to subscribe in the first place. If you’ve ever subscribed to an email list, you find that over time you unsubscribe to them for a number of options:

  • They’re no longer relevant to your interests
  • You receive too many emails per week
  • The information doesn’t benefit you
  • And more

The same is true for your own email subscribers. However, you’ll benefit from lower unsubscribe rates after segmenting your audience and delivering them more personalized emails.

For instance, you may find that people who subscribed after certain blog articles are more interested in the information those articles present. If that’s the case, you may want to continue producing valuable content specifically for that audience segment.

Start Segmenting Your Email Subscribers Today

If you have a large list of email subscribers that’s becoming unwieldy and you’re experiencing more unsubscribes than before, it may be time to consider segmenting your audience of email subscribers. Consider the different sources they’re finding your company from, their locations, and their levels of engagement with each email.

Once you categorize your audience into several segments, remember that you want to continue producing high-quality, entertaining content that engages them. You’ll be able to benefit with more engaged email subscribers, an increase in revenue, and happier customers overall.

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